Changes to Getting Well God’s Way & Next Efforts

Getting Well God’s Way was published in April of 2015. It’s a true story that took 21 years to be published and now with two major updates, 29 years! Living the story, and confronting the challenges laid out before me was a task that resulted in evil coming after everything I love. I warned those around me to “lock in with God or else…” but they couldn’t. I kept showing up and kept typing because I’d had a profound encounter with God at a very young age, ran into some very serious life issues at 25 years old and offered God a deal. He showed up so when He later called that deal into play, I had no choice but to cooperate.

I eventually had to leave my 25-year marriage, my only child, and a granddaughter I almost raised for 19 months. It came to a place that I was forced to make a choice between them and this journey God was leading me on. They could see God’s call on my life but they didn’t have the profound experience I’d had with the heavenly realm so they didn’t have what they needed to support what was happening to me. It became a “house divided” and I now live in the Ozarks with my amazing mom. I mourned for 5 years as I suspected my family had no regard for what God was doing. I left and continued to grieve deeply, and settled into depression and continued the journey.

When the book came out, 5 years after leaving, and readers began reporting being dropped to their knees in tears, four of them were men, I knew my sense that this was very important was correct. He had to take me away from everything that didn’t support what He was asking me to do. When you see the lengths that went to you’ll understand why some writer’s have to go away to write. Chaos isn’t suited to that process especially if there’s a “High Spiritual Calling” involved. There were many types typing, especially the Introduction, that I was literally shaking. It’s a very confronting to the culture book and especially the church-goers. One woman had a 2-hour healing encounter with God while reading it. She made a video telling her amazing story and will be one of the first guests in the soon to be launched podcast.

A pretty major event happened a year after it came out so I added 20 pages and added a subtitle of, A Handbook for Humans. Then another event sparked yet another update, and a new subtitle was added, New Insights for a New Era. After 9 years and many changed lives, lots of reader comments, and feedback it seems to have outgrown it’s original purpose of sharing my journey to wellness guided by the Holy Spirit, a journey that ran contrary to most of the teachings of the modern version of “ChRxtianity”. Readers reviews helped me see many comments that it was doing more than better physical health, it was connecting them to GOD at a deeper level.

One reader’s lengthy review said that “…Reading Kathy’s book is like studying with a mystic except they don’t tell you how they reached maturity, Kathy does”. And so in order to help others find their purpose and deepen their spiritual walk it’s now time to launch the podcast, the online community, and scale the book’s distribution to a broader audience, including our youth. It’s time to give it a new title even so those who would never darken the door of a church and who aren’t seeking to reverse illness, will have an opportunity to see what it can teach them.

We’ll have an online community so readers can participate in their own life transformation and feel a presence of support and encouragement among those on their own path. We’ll eventually have t-shirts, hoodies, mugs and other merchandise to build the sense of community and sharing of the message of inspiration. I have some amazing guests already lined up so if you’re ready to GROW, then click the link below the new book cover image below and get signed up for notifications of the launches.

At this link below you can learn more about how this book has impacted people’s lives thus far. Also refer to the Readers Comment at this link:

After MUCH deliberation it seems appropriate to fully retire the Getting Well God’s Way book title. While I love it, my sense is that is has served it’s purpose and now it’s time for a title and brand that would appeal to an audience who isn’t seeking wellness and who are not actually “fans of God” but they aren’t completely jaded yet. I expect this book will be carried forward by recommendation of others as the podcast rolls out.

Here’s the new title and cover:

You can check out the Table of Contents here:

If you go to the link below you can Opt-In for email notifications so you’ll know when we launch the podcast, community, and next ventures:

You can get to know me and my lived-out story by going to the right hand area of this site where you’ll find some of my interviews, my articles, my beliefs, testimonials by clients and friends, which will give you some idea of what I will be talking about in the upcoming podcast. Of a more urgent nature than the “health message” are the issues presented on the two sites located here: and here: specifically the issue in the right hand column that GOD SENT ME HERE to address. Be sure to visit the IMAGES THAT TEACH category on that site. Note: There are non-commercial SOLUTIONS listed on both sites. might be a bit more extensive.

I put the powerful Introduction, A Message to the Modern Churches, at the link below so people can read it for free. This is a very confronting message if you’re a church lover so be prepared to be confronted. The churches took a very wrong turn and waved off the warning messengers sent in so this is a report card on that process and the damage done. The main body of the book is the effort “to lead us back home” as one reader wrote:

The new book file and new cover were sent to the private printer. To receive an email of when it’s available for purchase go to this link and SIGN UP:

Blessings on your brave search for deeper insights.


This book is changing lives!

The book, Getting Well God’s Way, took 21 years to launch, and 29 years to come to completion now. It was uploaded on April 5th, 2015. Within a week my cousin read it and wrote “Your book is well-written, informative, intriguing, comforting, alarming, and important.” She also wrote of it later “Your book started me on a Spiritual and Wellness journey that was such an eye opening experience that led me to question EVERYTHING. Now here I am at the crossroads of God, Wellness, and politics. It’s so cool to be here and truly AWAKE with more to learn.”

Then a man read the introduction and told me that it dropped him to his knees in tears. “You’re right!” Then a woman heard me on a radio interview and reached out to me on Facebook private message. She was in Australia so I emailed her the introduction. She read it. Then she read it out loud to her family and her husband asked if I do a Skype call with him. Half way through the call he said “I need to tell you that I started crying shortly after we began talking and I haven’t been able to stop. When you speak, I hear God, and I haven’t heard God in a very long time.” He continued to sniffle the remainder of a 3 hour call.

Then another man in Maryland bought 50 of them to give out in his town. The first time we spoke on the phone and were about to hang up he too began crying and declaring that he’d prayed that book in for over a decade and praised that I’d done more than he could imagine. He too has a great story of recovering his health and coming off of a lot of prescribed drugs. His parting words were, “You’re a messenger from God and if we don’t listen to you we deserve what comes next.”

Then an electrical engineer read the book and we spoke a few months later. At the end of the call he too began crying after we discussed the abnormal technology launch around the globe and my recent experience of having a pain shoot up my arm that changed my life when I touched the screen of a cell phone. He was crying and saying “Oh my gosh. We missed something very important with all of this. We NEVER stopped to consider what it might do to living organisms.” actually he had yet to see the massive corruption in our oversight agencies. They knew!

A few women have admitted to dropping to their knees in tears, “arm hair standing” and one woman had a 2 hour miraculous healing encounter with God while reading it. It’s a powerful story choreographed by God so we could see what we need to see. “Life changing” is used often by readers and even people who aren’t Christians are reading it and praising it. One reader called it “the book I can’t shut up about”. Most of these comments/messages have been captured and shared here on this blog.

The book had just entered it’s 7th year of existence. I had uploaded the manuscript in April of 2015 and then had the wireless injury event so I updated it with 20 more pages after I learned how to set up a (wired) safe computer station. This information can be found here:

This book shows a 33+-year journey into and out of what the doctors said was “incurable” disease and severe injury with x-rays showing me to be a paraplegic. I took the God-reliant path to wellness and reversed my Hashimoto’s Auotimmune and even successfully ditched the 90 mg’s of Rx thyroid they said I’d be on for life. Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, and Fibromyalgia are a thing of the past. Then came a broken spine in 1994 that left me with 11 years of sciatic pain. I knew pain meds weren’t going to heal me and would likely wreck our lives so again, I grabbed onto God and said “Teach me how to heal my body again” and He did. I had to learn to unravel the many layers of pain and when I came out of my ordeal there was an opiate epidemic formed around me killing 128 people a day at one point and turning many into heroine addicts when the Rx drugs were pulled.

Using statistics from 2014, when the book came out, it reveals the following: The US makes up 5% of the global population but they consume 70% of the Rx global drug supply, 80% of the opiates. Same year statistics showed that in the USA, 73 to 88% of people claim to be Christians. You don’t have to be a math whiz to see that people who claim to be Christians are the primary supporters and sustainers of the Rx drug industry, again, in complete conflict with what the Bible teaches should be done.

God’s Ways versus the world’s ways is what’s shown in this story and more so, what His so-called “people” are putting their faith in that’s creating a totalitarian takeover and threatening humanity with medical tyranny. God is not happy with this as He’s basically been set aside in favor of mainstream, highly limited ideas by profiteers. God has been demoted to a security blanket people take along with them on their carnal search for answers. What’s the 1st commandment of the 10? Though shalt have no other gods…Time to take a look at what God sees in humanity and reconsider what’s been created by our unfaithfulness and remember THE CONSUMER IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE ON THE PLANET… NOTHING CAN STOP AN ORGANIC MOVEMENT. If you stop buying the garbage being offered that undermines your health and take the responsibility for your health as an act of devotion to God it can change your life. If a whole lot of us do it, it change the world!

Note: This is a 371 page, 8.5 x 11 “dense and intense” book best read in paperback in my opinion.

The book is now getting retitled as the story has become much more than just a story about my path to wellness that contradicts the accepted norms in organized religion. It’s become about


It’s also time to launch the podcast and form the online community to support others who want a more conscientous and awakened life. You can go to the link here to enter your email address and receive notifications on when this launch takes place:

This is another good link to visit on this site to see some of what GOD’s been doing, and what I feel is available to us as we move closer to GOD. For me, that access comes through Yeshua THE Christ:

Here you’ll be able to cruise through comments made by readers:

Below is the link telling the God-story of how we were SENT to the Ozark mountains. I just realized that I’ll be 66 this year and the message in the journal shown in the picture at this link was given to me when I was 33 years old AND it will become 33 years old on May 20th, 2023. Hmmmmm what might GOD be doing? I will say, it’s a really good time to have a relationship with God that allows Him to move you around, at great inconvenience, for your own good, not your career plans. We didn’t get to where we are in this current world because the majority of us were checking in closely with God about our ideas. Sadly, most of humanity has been doing whatever felt right or what the system told us to do.

If you would prefer a signed copy of the book I charge a small fee to do that but here are the options from the Home Page on the far right:

Consultations, Purchases, Love Offerings can be sent through the following options: 

  • My first preference is ZellePay because it’s through my bank, arrives immediately, and there are no fees charged to either party. Go to the link below to see if your bank participates. You can find me on their system by the email address:   

Note: This is not a good email for correspondence!  You should instead use the Contact button at the top of the site.

You can see more explanation on the use of Zellepay at my safe tech site here including how to do a recurring donation:

  • Or, Mail a check, preloaded Visa Cards, money orders, or “other” correspondence to and please let me know who to sign the book to if that applies:

                         Kathy Bates

                         P. O. Box 144

                        Jasper, AR 72641

The easiest and most direct option is to do a donation to cover the book and shipping cost amount in the given area for donations.

You can also use through participating banks or payment by US Mail.

$45.00 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

A signed copy is $60 + $10 shipping as it doubles my cost of shipping.

I hope you enjoy this amazing book that definitely HAD TO BE written.

When CHURCH becomes a danger to the culture!

Five monkeys were placed in a cage as part of an experiment. In the middle of the cage was a ladder with bananas on the top rung. Every time a monkey tried to climb the ladder to get to the bananas the experimenter sprayed all of the monkeys with icy water. Eventually, each time a monkey started to climb the ladder, the other ones pulled him off and beat him up so they could avoid the icy spray. Soon, no monkey dared go up the ladder.

The experimenter then substituted one of the monkeys in the cage with a new monkey. The first thing the new monkey did was try to climb the ladder to reach the bananas. After several beatings, the new monkey learned the social norm. He never knew why the other monkeys wouldn’t let him go for the bananas because he had never been sprayed with ice water, but he quickly learned that this behavior would not be tolerated by the other monkeys.

One by one, each of the monkeys in the cage was substituted for a new monkey until none of the original group remained. Every time a new monkey went up the ladder, the rest of the group pulled him off, even those who had never been sprayed with the icy water.

By the end of the experiment, the five monkeys in the cage had learned to follow the rule (don’t go for the bananas), without any of them knowing the reason why. If we could have asked the monkeys for their rationale behind not letting their cage mates climb the ladder, their answer would probably be: “I don’t know, that’s just how it’s always been done.”

Think twice before following a tradition, religion or negative ethnic profiling. It would make more sense if you get your own understanding to it!

Have an isolated and informed perspective on all decisions that govern and determine the way you live your life.


I became very ill while being a typical wife, mom, and congregant and the church’s teachings about health and healing FAILED and they are pretty much all teaching the same nonsense. After 11 doctors in 18 months I was worse, much worse, so I canceled all three remaining medical tests and all the follow-up appointments and I slid down the wall of my kitchen and cried. It was a cry of surrender.

Human ideas had failed so I began chasing God down for answers. It took six months of prayer but HE SHOWED UP and took me on a journey teaching me the many things WE DO to undermine our own health. I took my “reasonable” insights back to the church folks thinking they’d be happy to know that God didn’t want Coke machines at the church, the junk food needed to not be offered there, and the prayers needed to be geared more towards the Holy Spirit guiding the person to the healing path that was right for them and that they should include methods of natural wellness instead of being all about the pharmaceuticals. THEY ALMOST DESTROYED ME, and they did damage my parental relationship and my marriage. It’s not easy being the one called in to a group with new insights. I finally left organized religion and pretty much stay to myself here in the Ozarks now, other than my online efforts.

This story about the monkeys perfectly describes what has become CHURCH and I now see it as a dangerous entity that keeps truth from it’s midst even if that means they are choosing to retain error. THIS IS NOT WHAT CHURCH IS SUPPOSED TO BE AND NOT WHAT JESUS ORDAINED!

I continued on with God, being led by the Holy Spirit, and along the way HE INSISTED that I write a book. I was able to reverse several of the diseases those doctors the church folks worship said were “incurable” including my Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disease. I was even able to ditch the 90 mg’s of Rx thyroid medication they said I’d be on for life. I reversed the Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease they said would have my neck fused by 1993. Fibromyalgia flares are a thing of the past and so is the 11 years of crippling sciatica after a broken back in 1994. It took 29 years to bring it to it’s current status…One reader wrote…

Yes, the knowledge and spiritual connection I got on my journey has saved several lives now, prevented many from needing a trip to the ER, produced a few documented MIRACLES… you can see some of them here:

This “power” is because I GOT IN ALIGNMENT WITH GOD AND HIS WAYS, and rejected man’s failed ideas. THIS is what an empowered CHRISTian looks like, not the well-intended circus going on at these meetings being rendered a “church” by mere designation but failing in their role to the culture AND misrepresenting the entire biblical message, not just about Jesus.

One day I was studying the Bible and using Zondervan’s Dictionary of Bible Themes and ran across the heading “False Religion” so I decided to look into it. Sure enough, if you go read the article below you’ll see that THE MODERN VERSION OF ChRxtianity NOW MEETS THE SCRIPTURAL CRITERIA FOR A FALSE RELIGION. You should also know that if you attend, suppport, encourage this type of falsehood, you will be judged by God for being a “partner in their evil work” so you better be careful what you’re a part of…VERY CAREFUL!

  • 2 John 10-11 New Living Translation 10 If anyone comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth about Christ, don’t invite that person into your home or give any kind of encouragement. 11 Anyone who encourages such people becomes a partner in their evil work.

Here’s a post below about the book and the experiences readers have had with it:

Getting Well God’s Way was the first version of the book and now it’s taking a new direction. You can read about this powerful book that’s confronting the culture and changing lives at this link below:

You should be supporting TRUTH TELLERS, not pastors who are doing nothing but cleaning pacifiers or serving milk when they should’ve had you on MEAT by now! Lack of maturity. Lack of progress. Promoting wrong ideas that have taken the entire culture into a medical mafia state…

Blessings on your journey and I hope you’ll take some time to look around on this site and see what else you might find to stimulate spiritual growth,


The USA is a Corporation and YOU are a Debt Slave! You can change this status and more.

I’ll put several links here because these disappear but at least you’ll know what you’re chasing down:

40 minute video on YouTube

6 min video on

5 hour video on Rumble title, Ring of Power – The Empire of The City. Also can be found on YouTube and is the most exhaustive of the videos but it may be faster than reading a book. I’ve read three of them now. I’ll post them below in case you’re interested in that option.

23 minute video on

An excellent read written by an attorney:

This one below is likely the most easy to understand the information presented:

I will be covering this information in the soon to be launched podcast!

You can go to to Sign Up for notifications of the availability of the book for purchase and the launch of the podcast and online community.

Get to reading… Ignorance makes you useful to evil!

Time to Launch a Podcast-Wanna Help?

Time to Launch the Podcast-Wanna Help?

“She’s lived a rather shocking life” as one reader of the book commented. Yes, and it has cost me almost everything as any good story does but then it flips the script and propels the victim into the world with wisdom for the masses.

The story I’ve lived produced an awareness of some things going on in our world. What I learned not only challenges the mainstream status quo mindset, it shows what’s possible when all of that is rejected in favor of other ideas. As this lived-out story unfolded and I began to see the falsehood and blatant lies, deceit, and manipulation in medicine, in religion, in education systems, in the media…everywhere, I could no longer just go along to get along as others seem to be doing. For one thing my health crisis showed me that if I followed the same path as my peers it was going to end my life prematurely and I’d die a fool. While I would likely welcome that relief at this point because this world has become a complete insane asylum, at 30 years old, I wasn’t quite ready to end the trip.

The book took 29 years to finish because I had to prove out some theories rather than just share ideas or unfounded beliefs. It wasn’t my idea to write a book. I didn’t want to write a book because I suspected it was going to be as difficult as it has been and I underestimated even that, but it’s done. When I released it at the 21 year mark and several readers reported being dropped to their knees in tears, four of them were men, I knew it was an important book. One woman had a two hour healing encounter with God while reading it because it’s that kind of book for those who are ready. Some providential things happened within days of it’s release that propelled it into the world market. A woman ordered it and wrote, “I stuck my thumbnail in a random place and opened the book and my eyes fell on the name of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Does she know she’s in your book? She’s about to…she’s my doctor and my neighbor!” One thing led to another and this doctor ended up introducing me to the world on a nationally-syndicated radio show. You can listen to that interview here and other more recent one’s at this link. This interview is not on this NoATT blog:

Here are my interviews on this blog including the most recent one with John B. Wells formerly of Coast to Coast AM, now with his own show, Caravan To Midnight:

Great things began to happen pretty quickly including lots of cell phone notifications coming in. Yes, I could turn them off but it was a glimpse into a life I was pretty sure I didn’t want. I don’t want to be an IN DEMAND author or speaker available by cell phone to anyone who gets my contact information. I don’t know how to manage that so I held the phone up to the heaven’s and said, “I’m not sure what you have planned here but this isn’t a good thing…”. A year later, I touched the screen of my mom’s iPhone 6S and a pain shot up my arm that felt like a blood pressure cuff was on too tight and it stayed at that intensity for 2 hours. We began unplugging the WIFI modem at night because we learned that it’s emitting 2.45 Billion cycles per second of pulsed microwave radiation. No sense in bathing in that while it isn’t being used. Then a day or so later I was getting out of the shower and a literal 8 foot wave of energy hit me and almost knocked me off my feet when I stepped out of the shower across the hall from our home office. I didn’t need a book to teach me what had just happened, it was clear as day. I was hit by a massive wave of energy! I wrapped a towel around me and stepped across the hall to see if Mom had plugged the WIFI up. She was standing there with the plug in her hand so that’s when my eyes and understanding went to the ATT&T wireless alarm box beside her with four antennas across the top and transmitter/repeaters all through the house that it hit me like a ton of bricks, “Oh my God, we’re living in a sea of electronic waves!” I immediately realized that every time I sat at the desk beside that alarm box my left wrist would ache. Had I gone to a doctor I’m sure they would’ve eventually done a carpal tunnel surgery and ignorantly I would’ve continued working at that desk and none of us would’ve made the association that the wrist inflammation was an environmental factor!

This now meant that the entire focus of my life had changed as this new toxin in my world was now threatening my life. We cleaned up our electrical environment but the world around me did not. In fact, they brought on more and more and more…This demanded that we flee from the density of technology in the city and took up residence deep in the Ozark National Forest, which also has been invaded by unsafe technology.

I work from a hardwired, grounded, shielded, and screen filtered computer with a grounding strap on my wrist. We have our electric meter about 100 feet from the house on a pole pointed away from the home with a faraday cage over the front to stop the radio frequency waves that go out the front of it. We have a $1500 filter on the electric panel that stops anything from the outside and we have about one Greenwave plug-in filter in each room that handles what’s inside beyond the electric panel. These “Smart” electric meters or digital or Advanced Meters are not smart and are making a lot of people very ill while being covertly installed and FORCED on customers who have no idea what’s being piped into their home wiring. I put information about the meters I used to measure the outlets and the filters at this link:

I created the post below to help people who are being adversely affected by these so they can find some help. The Nat’l Institute of Health (NIH) reports the estimates are that 1/3 of the population is being adversely affected. Until the doctors and patients begin to make the connection to their new symptoms to the not smart devices and voluminous sources of electromagnetic radiation AND gamma radiation now flooding our world, each individual needs to get up to speed before they become a victim of the mass levels of ignorance:

I put a document below, Public Health Warning, that I finished creating in the fall of 2022 to show the world what’s being built around them that they should not only know about, but respond to! Between that information and what you’ll see on website, you should see why you need to help me help you help us.

What should disturb us all is that when I realized I was being “sent” to the Ozarks to fight a dirty utility CORPORATION who has FORCED a form of electric meter on their customers that has been “banned at the federal level by the Austrian Chamber of Physicians and the Swiss Physicians for the Environment for fear that it is deadly with an immediate and cumulative effect with the most vulnerable feeling it the soonest” I wrote an email to 7 newspapers in the service area of this utility CORPORATION and about a week or so later I was sitting in my bedroom in Austin, TX when I began to hurt in a way that indicated I was being exposed to a cell phone frequency. It became very intense. I had the house as safe as I knew to get it so I had to go look for the meter to take a reading. I found it, walked down the hall to see the entire side of our home was peaking out the meter, showed it to Mom, and walked back to my room…so a good ten minutes this went on. I realized that our neighbors not smart electric meter, they are the same frequency of a cell phone, was about 25 yards away and pointed directly at my bedroom window. A friend later told me, “They were trying to induce a heart attack in you”. This experience would then lead me to the awareness of something called, Targeted Individuals, that will shock the hell out of thinking person and will lead you directly to the AI/Transhumanism Agenda that is well underway. Here’s the category I recently added to this site aobut Targeted Individuals because I finally feel like it’s blatant enough to share w/o costing me credibility:

The next stop on the horror show tour is this link to the AI/Transhumanism & Biodigital Convergence category on this blog:

You’ll find a few of my articles on this subject on the book site at this link:

So, I put the book out in April of 2015, got injured by wireless in October of 2016, got hardwired and out of immediate threat and began intensive reading then created this blog, moved to the Ozarks in November of 2019, built another website to show what’s happening here in the Ozarks, watched three local women drop dead, found the deadly readings all over town, began writing, calling, emailing every official and agency in this state for 4+ years to no avail, and now it’s time to launch the podcast I’ve been actively avoiding for ten years! I’m not paid for any of my time so why would I want to take on yet another thankless unprofitable job…until I couldn’t avoid it any longer. There are things that MUST be done and an organization effort that needs to take place by WE THE PEOPLE. Much time has been spent for the past 3 years watching videos, interviewing providers, listening to their pitches, watching online trainings…LOOKING FOR A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK because I actually KNOW what I’m looking for, what it will look like, sound like, the mannerisms of the coach and their company. THEIR VIBE and the way they come across and what they want from me in exchange. I know what I’ve prayed in silence for this person/company to be and what I want them to NOT BE. I don’t want to marry them or even have a long term relationship. I just need an accountability partner, some organization tips, and a push start…


In retrospect I think it was good that I actually missed our Zoom appointment and realized it 15 minutes late but the event was already canceled and I’d even watched a “don’t fail to show up or we won’t work with you…” video. Eeek. I was waiting for notification in the wrong email inbox which shows why I don’t need this to become MORE in my life. If I’m going to do this, it needs to be manageable or I’ll burn out and quit, too many spinning plates for this 66+ year old gal. I also wanted someone who wasn’t going to make this complicated and that’s his niche’. To see how he handled my failure was reassuring and revealing about his character and nature.

So, he’s doing everything I wanted and started his podcast coaching as a ministry. He has four daughters, two are in college. When I told him the purpose and sent him to site and told him about the #gettingwellgodsway book and he said, “Yes. Yes. Yes. YOU NEED TO BE OUT THERE!” He shared the cost of this service is $3500 for a 6-week program to launch. He immediately dropped the price by $1000 and told me that when I can pay $1000 down and pay off the other $1500 balance by the end of the six weeks to give him a call and we’ll get started.

I’ll have group support of other podcasters which would be nice. I’ll have a one on one coaching call with him near the end and it won’t surprise me if MORE happens there because it was such a great connection. You can just tell… And he doesn’t want any long time permanent payments. GET ME UP and they step out of the way, I guess unless I need them.

I’m waiting to actually see a final paperback book proof and give my approval to the private printer I’ve selected. Once I see they do finally have the right files in que I can launch a video on YT, launch a Kickstarter campaign, and offer a signed copy of the book as a reward for supporters. I can also reach out on the email marketing site where 79 of you early arrivals are already waiting for me to notify you of my launch:

If anyone feels inclined to help me get there sooner….I’ll sure accept the help.

I’m pretty sure I’ll just keep delaying launch if I don’t get an accountability partner! I KNOW that’s true so… Here’s his website/company so you can see how he feels to you: If you want to donate towards this opportunity you’ll be making a good investment. Maybe if 100 people give $25.00 we’d have it covered. If you don’t know who I am and what I’m doing:

Start Here:

In the right hand column of this site above, you’ll see the battle God sent me to fight…trying to #savetheozarks and the precious people here who had no idea what was/is being done.

Here’s the evidence to back up that claim and a poem that seemed to almost force itself into existence in February of 2023:

And now, it’s time to launch the new podcast. I purchased a great set of domains yesterday but I’m going to hold that close to my vest for now. Let it be a surprise…and it’s just better that way.

So, let’s see if we can get 100 people out of 5000+ facebook friends and friends of friends, and Twitter mates, to give $25.00 each and let’s get this podcast off the launch pad! ❤❤❤

Here’s a link to do a donation, several options:

Thank you for your time and your consideration to help.


A Chiropractor has found the book!

Click on the link below to learn more about what’s going on with this amazing book!

Use Amino Acids to Stop Drinking!

❤ LOVE THIS. ❤ Not because I have a drinking problem, but because I know several people who truly do AND BECAUSE on my health recovery journey I’ve had so many times when a missing nutrient/s was THE remedy to return me to feeling healthy again. IT TRULY CAN BE SO SIMPLE but if you’re sitting at a Rx-writing doctor’s office or praying to Jesus and the cravings still come…PERHAPS THERE’S SOMETHING ELSE HE WANTS YOU TO LEARN…something that will lead you to learn other similar things. People always get mad that they don’t GET RELIEF from their unproductive prayers but they refuse to CHANGE LANES…are resistant to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Listen, if you knew what you were doing, you wouldn’t still be on the same path after so many years. LET THE HOLY SPIRIT LEAD YOU AND BE READY TO STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOURSELF. BEING DRUNK through life is not GOD’S BEST for you and those who love you. TAKE A SOLID NEXT STEP IN YOUR OWN RECOVERY….STOP GOING AROUND THE SAME MOUNTAIN….IF NOTHING CHANGES, NOTHING CHANGES! ❤

Biofield Energy Recordings show the human aura in action! 4 min video

My journey and story that produced the “dense and intense” book, are about to spark a podcast launch and online community. I’ll be sharing how I went from being a well-intentioned but powerless ChRxtian to becoming an educated by the Holy Spirit CHRISTian who hasn’t been to a medical doctor for illness since 1990. In 1986 I was so sickly I met the annual insurance deductible in the first 90 days of the year. This change is a direct result of me seeing the error in the ways being taught by the modern churches and canceling all medical tests and follow-up appointments and going directly to God for guidance. HE SHOWED UP and began teaching me the many things we do to make ourselves ill. Along the way I was also given healing abilities that I believe we all have but have not been trained in how to develop them. This 4 minute video is just a peak into the energetic anatomy of the human body, where our spirit man dwells and where we connect with the Heavenly realm, where healing happens. This “bio field” houses 80% of our immune system. It’s the energy you feel when you enter a room filled with love and acceptance versus walking into a room where anger and violent words were spoken.

It’s easy enough to see our physical man but the spiritual man requires some effort so I’m sharing this to BEGIN the process of teaching those still stuck in an old paradigm.

MUST WATCH ON YOUTUBE.COM so please click that option in the black box below:

If you go to this link on this blog it will take you to the Healing Testimonials. If you scroll down to about the 4th one I think you’ll begin seeing the one’s that are about this “Healing Prayer” gift I use that was given to me on my road of discipline and discovery. There are gifts available to us but we aren’t going to experience them while we also slug down toxic food and drink. If you want to experience the higher things from God you’re going to have to think, act, and live according to some higher principles. This path isn’t for sissies but if you’re willing to do the work, the words of Yeshua/Jesus no longer seem mystical and out of reach. In fact, it all starts to come to pass. It may be difficult but it’s worth it. Like going to the gym and other eating healthy discipline our physical body, there are spiritual practices that build spiritual power.

If you’re interested in where we go from here you can go to the link below and Sign Up for Notifications of when the next efforts are launched:

Why Chosen Ones Cannot Be Around a Lot of People

Goodness gracious. This little 15 minute video explains my life experience so well. I wish I’d heard this at the beginning of the journey. It would’ve helped me understand some of where I was being taken and why and that it was perfectly okay to have the “staunch” attitudes I had that others couldn’t understand.

I’ll try to find time to go look in the book to find the actual quote that made me laugh as it shared the idea that, “Seclusion of the saints is for the comfort of the common man. They actually don’t want to know what we know.” So very true and hearing how the common man experiences those of us “tucked away” for a deeper life, this makes perfect sense as they generally go to great lengths to avoid truth.

Below is a poem that demanded to be written in February of 2023 for reasons I didn’t understand until I began cooperating with the urge instead of fighting it. I hope you enjoy it. Helps you understand this SAFE TECHNOLOGY PUSH God has me on now too…

This writing was shared with me very early in my being called out of the world and I felt it was appropriate here as it helps some of you understand the process of being CALLED OUT to HIGHER PURPOSE LIVING:

Here’s the SAFE TECH effort: aka aka

Next Steps…book, podcast, and online community launch

Just click on the link below and join the email notification option:

Here’s the new book cover:

The rejected have a purpose…

found this on my desk when filing away a 12 inch stack so I have no idea who to credit it to but it’s certainly worth sharing

Reader shares her miraculous healing experience while reading the book!

Christina Parga holding GWGW


This beautiful soul had 176,000 Instagram followers when she begins her story.  She doesn’t share that here but I know that to be true from looking to see who she was when she contacted me. 

Part 1 of 3 is her telling “where she’s been” to her audience of followers as she backed out due to declining health and feeling no sense of purpose, wanting something more, feeling something was missing…then the health issues began. She’s a great story teller. I cried with her. I laughed with her as she shared details I absolutely identify with. People challenges, failed tests, retaking the tests…having things taken from your life because GOD said.  You’ll be missing a great story if you skip Part 1. (16 minutes)

The video below is part 2 of 3 where she shares specifically the influence the book GOD INSISTED I write had on her life.  Part 2 is 25 minutes 


Part 3: (10 minutes) )

The Getting Well God’s Way book she holds up is the first version released in 2015. Since then, it’s had two major updates of about 50 pages.  It will soon be taken off of Amazon as it’s being released under a new title/brand/effort along with the launching of a podcast and online community.  If you FOLLOW this blog (top right side bar of page) these launches will be posted here and you’ll receive an email notification of where to go to see what we’re up to next.

This woman will be an early guest on the Religious Rebel Radio podcast as we uncover what’s happened in her life since these videos were made.  

You can request a signed copy of the book by hitting the CONTACT button at the top of this website where you’ll send me a message. You can send the suggested donation for the book + shipping through the link on the right side of the page. $34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

You can also purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link:

If you’re a Christian who “Stands With Israel” you NEED to see this 1 hour video.

Here’s a clue, this image can be found on YouTube, Main Video below this image:

Here’s the video

“Had it not been for your book showing up in my newsfeed, I’d be pushing up daisies by now.”

You can learn more about the book and how to obtain a copy at the link below:


A copy of this powerpoint presentation can be found here:…

This powerpoint presentation was created on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 5:51:53 AM… PDF copies can be found here:……… (page 372)… [REMOVED]

Proof this document existed on a military server and has now been removed…… Dennis M. Bushnell 757.864.8987…………

Another powerpoint presentation from Dennis Bushnell, which includes information in the .pdf copies which has been omitted from the ‘FutureWarfare.ppt’ file including the quote that Deborah Tavares questions in her interview. “Assertion: Based upon what is in the Laboratory NOW, No “Pixie Dust” or Science Fiction”… Deborah Tavares interview    

• NASA FUTURE WARFARE DOCUMENT Deborah …   Max Igan on Truth Frequency Radio    

• Video   Iron Mountain Report…

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Weather weapons: the dark world of environmental warfare by T. J. Coles…

LOTS of links to follow in this pdf FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. ITISTIMEN0W is making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:

I got ZAPPED by a cell phone in October of 2016 and it took me down a road of discovery that you need to know about. AFTER I hardwired, grounded, and shielded my computer I began researching and the link below is the compilation I put together 6+ years later:

Church folks need to WAKE UP about what’s going on in this world and stop being so CERTAIN that they’re going to be beamed up to a wedding feast before all the horror starts. IT’S ALREADY HERE!

Here’s a timely post from facebook to ponder about future events:

I guess my biggest question is why doesn’t the theory of the rapture agree with the Olivet Discourse? Why doesn’t it agree with Jesus?

I can’t imagine why Jesus would answer His disciples about the end and His second coming, yet completely leave out the main event of His church?!

He tells of all the end times events and the signs and everything that will occur before, during, and after the Tribulation, but Jesus doesn’t mention at all that He’s going to rapture up the entire church pre-Tribulation???

Jesus doesn’t say, “All these horrible things will happen but don’t you all worry because that happens after you’ve been airlifted out of trouble with me.”

Instead Jesus says, “9 Then shall they deliver YOU up to be afflicted, and shall kill YOU: and YE shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.”

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” WHO will have to endure, then? He says YOU. You=the church

14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and THEN shall the end come.” Who’s going to preach to all the world? The wicked?? No, the church will preach to all the world and then He returns.

And so when Jesus talks about the end and His return, He doesn’t mention a pre Trib rapture at all. And when He says, “33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors,” He’s talking about the end and His second coming.

When He’s talking about the day and hour nobody will know, He has to be talking about His second coming and not a pre Trib rapture. How can we be sure? Because never once in the entire Olivet Discourse does Jesus announce a pre Trib rapture.

Jesus completely misses the opportunity to inform and reassure His beloved apostles not to worry about the Tribulation. He didn’t reassure them that the Church would be omitted, caught up, saved, gone, exempt from, or excused from the Great Tribulation. He never said that. Not once in all of Matthew 24 did He tell His brothers that.


If I knew that the very worst time on Earth would happen, I would be quick to tell my beloved family that they would be spared. I would reassure them they would not have to endure it.

Imagine the Holocaust. The Bible says the Tribulation will be worse than that. If you knew the details about the Holocaust beforehand and you were telling your most beloved friends about it, do you think you’d forget about the part where you were going to come and airlift them out first before it started?

Wouldn’t you say that somehow the Word would be out there (internet), instead of the Word would be preached to all the world? Wouldn’t you say THEY will be persecuted and hated and killed, instead of YOU the church?

Why would Jesus confuse His closest friends by not telling them that they wouldn’t have to endure, instead of saying, “He who endures UNTIL THE END shall be saved.”

And when did Jesus say the end will be?

29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days…”

And He doesn’t forget to tell them about His second coming.

30 “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”

Everything hangs on Jesus. Matthew 24 mirrors Mark 13, which mirrors Luke 21.

And here’s the thing. In Mark 13, Jesus actually goes a little further. He says, “for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.”

HERE’S THE BIG ONE!! “11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.”

THIS scripture is teaching the apostles what the church needs to do IN THE TRIBULATION as they are being delivered up!! In context, it is in the Olivet Discourse of Luke 21, meaning that Jesus is speaking specifically about the Great Tribulation time period.

Why would Jesus tell them that the Holy Ghost would speak for them during the Great Tribulation if the church wasn’t going to be there???

You know that Jesus is talking about the church because the Holy Ghost spirit is not going to speak through the wicked unbelievers!

“20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.” The Lord Himself will shorten the Great Tribulation. Why? He tells us!!-

for the ELECT’S sake! The elect is the church! Why would He have to shorten the Tribulation for the church if they were raptured out to safety and dwelling with Him in Heaven??

Like I said, everything hinges on Jesus.

And in Luke, He tells us WHY the church will be here during the Tribulation. Jesus sums it up in one sentence:

13 “And it shall turn to you for a testimony.” Or in the amplified Bible, “13 This will be a time and an opportunity for you to testify [about Me].”

So don’t read into Paul’s words or Johns. They are saying exactly what Jesus said. If you interpret otherwise, you are not in agreement with Jesus.

by my facebook friend: Carol Ephphatha Maranatha posted 8/23/23

Now, reading that reminded me of another recent scripture reading that counters the declared idea that Christians are going to be beamed up to a wedding feast before that “Tribulation Period” mentioned above.

Psalm 37 The Living Bible

37 Never envy the wicked! Soon they fade away like grass and disappear. Trust in the Lord instead. Be kind and good to others; then you will live safely here in the land and prosper, feeding in safety.

Be delighted with the Lord. Then he will give you all your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him to help you do it, and he will. Your innocence will be clear to everyone. He will vindicate you with the blazing light of justice shining down as from the noonday sun.

Rest in the Lord; wait patiently for him to act. Don’t be envious of evil men who prosper.

Stop your anger! Turn off your wrath. Don’t fret and worry—it only leads to harm. For the wicked shall be destroyed, but those who trust the Lord shall be given every blessing. 10 Only a little while and the wicked shall disappear. You will look for them in vain. 11 But all who humble themselves before the Lord shall be given every blessing and shall have wonderful peace.

12-13 The Lord is laughing at those who plot against the godly, for he knows their judgment day is coming. 14 Evil men take aim to slay the poor; they are ready to butcher those who do right. 15 But their swords will be plunged into their own hearts, and all their weapons will be broken.

16 It is better to have little and be godly than to own an evil man’s wealth; 17 for the strength of evil men shall be broken, but the Lord takes care of those he has forgiven.[a]

18 Day by day the Lord observes the good deeds done by godly men,[b] and gives them eternal rewards. 19 He cares for them when times are hard; even in famine, they will have enough. 20 But evil men shall perish. These enemies of God will wither like grass and disappear like smoke. 21 Evil men borrow and “cannot pay it back”! But the good man returns what he owes with some extra besides. 22 Those blessed by the Lord shall inherit the earth, but those cursed by him shall die.

23 The steps of good men are directed by the Lord. He delights in each step they take. 24 If they fall, it isn’t fatal, for the Lord holds them with his hand.

25 I have been young and now I am old. And in all my years I have never seen the Lord forsake a man who loves him; nor have I seen the children of the godly go hungry. 26 Instead, the godly are able to be generous with their gifts and loans to others, and their children are a blessing.

27 So if you want an eternal home, leave your evil, low-down ways and live good lives. 28 For the Lord loves justice and fairness; he will never abandon his people. They will be kept safe forever; but all who love wickedness shall perish.

29 The godly shall be firmly planted in the land and live there forever. 30-31 The godly man is a good counselor because he is just and fair and knows right from wrong.

32 Evil men spy on the godly, waiting for an excuse to accuse them and then demanding their death. 33 But the Lord will not let these evil men succeed, nor let the godly be condemned when they are brought before the judge.

34 Don’t be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along his pathway and in due season he will honor you with every blessing,[c] and you will see the wicked destroyed. 35-36 I myself have seen it happen: a proud and evil man, towering like a cedar of Lebanon, but when I looked again, he was gone! I searched but could not find him! 37 But the good man—what a different story! For the good man—the blameless, the upright, the man of peace—he has a wonderful future ahead of him. For him there is a happy ending. 38 But evil men shall be destroyed, and their posterity shall be cut off.

39 The Lord saves the godly! He is their salvation and their refuge when trouble comes. 40 Because they trust in him, he helps them and delivers them from the plots of evil men.”

The next scripture that GOD recently brought into my awareness that should make a thinker think:



You can learn more about this book and find options to acquire a copy at the link below:

Man on TikTok showing tumor in his hand from his cell phone

Here’s a link where you can view his short video and find some solutions for taking protective action:

Here’s an interview that took place EARLY in my recovery journey:

You can find other interviews on the subject here:

This is a link to a document I created after 6 years on my wireless injury journey:

Should Christians Use Crystals? Part 2 of 2


And when he’s finished I want professing Christians to stop and think about something even more important. I came through these churches here in the USA, was even a “preacher’s kid” for 6-7 years of my young life, now 66 years old so I’ve been watching and participating for quite a while now.

I met my first alternative health medical doctor at 21 after I had a gran mall seizure and the threat of taking my driver’s license was on the table. GOD INTERVENED and showed me an alternative route through dietary changes, outside of the mainstream Rx based approach, that would impact the rest of my life. Under this man’s guidance I had an amazing surge of health in a few months, but like so many people, I got stable and wandered back into my “follies” aka ignorant, uninformed, follow-the-masses ways. Instead of sitting at the feet of this medical doctor in a rural town and asking to be taught by he and his wife, (and they would have), I used vital tools that were a peek into MORE…as a mere method to keep my head above the water line. I stopped short of THRIVING because it was easy and I was an ignorant human living in a self-indulgent era.

A DECADE LATER, my health crashed and I was sitting on the pew being a typical wife, mom, congregant and citizen. I tried getting well in accordance with the modern version of ChRxtianity’s teachings and they failed. After 11 doctors in 18 months had no clue, I canceled all medical tests and follow-up appointments and began chasing GOD down for answers. After six months of proving my sincerity HE SHOWED UP and took me on a journey teaching me the many things we do to make ourselves sick. Sadly, our CULTure, including the pastor/shepherds ignored biblical principles of wisdom, and the promised access to the Holy Spirit when Christ left, and accepted the man made denatured foods and Rx, chemical cocktails, and thereby built a medical mafia in cahoots with a corrupt government and industries who profit from when we’re sick and who are also destroying the environment. THE MODERN CHURCHES IN THE USA DID THIS as the statistics bear out:

My journey included some UNTRADITIONAL but not wrong adventures. CONTRARY to the church folks ideas and accepted practices but it’s hard to argue with the results that it produced as detailed in the book GOD INSISTED I write that took 21 years to publish because I had to learn and prove out some health principles. I was able to reverse my Hashimotos’s Autoimmune disease and even successfully ditched the 90 mg’s of Rx thyroid I’d been on since 1990. Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease that was supposed to fuse my neck by 1993, gone. I was able to reverse, and now easily manage 11 years of crippling sciatica, that resulted from a broken spine in 1994. Fibromyalgia flares are a thing of the past because I learned what causes them and don’t do that any more. Along the way, GOD gave me a gift of healing abilities in my hands that later become “remote enabled” so I can do what I call “Healing Prayer” on anyone anywhere though I rarely offer this as I now see the book as the ultimate gift as it teaches you how to get well and stay well.

I don’t see the point in doing healing on someone if they’re going to sit in a WIFI’d world and carry a cell phone, surrounded by towers and digital electric meters pumping invisible toxins into the air that can be measured, and mitigated but humanity is only just starting to see the concerns in our modern world. I got zapped by a cell phone in 2016 so GOD could show us MORE INSIGHTS that we need to see. It’s daunting but I BEGGED HIM for a life that mattered, that would tell a story, and would impact the world not realizing what all that would mean but nevertheless it has produced an amazing adventure BUT a “FAILED” report card on the modern church. “Judgment will begin in the household of faith” is a scripture that’s been among us for my lifetime and it means what it says….GOD’S GOING TO START CLEANING UP THE MESS HERE BY ADDRESSING THOSE WHO PROFESS HIM THE LOUDEST!

ONE of the missions GOD IS INSISTING ON is the professing BODY OF CHRIST in the USA especially, learn some new insights that will show HIS AMAZING CREATION but will also reveal how unloving, intolerant, and rude they’ve been to people who’ve come along their path. I periodically get “thrown into” the “NEW AGE” pile with an attitude of disgust is how it’s felt. I shrug my shoulders and go on because I know me and I know this journey I’m having and that’s not an accurate label or judgment. It’s simply people that have been brainwashed by the media that supports the lifestyle that keeps us indebted, enslaved and entangled pouring our resources into their choices for us, NOT GOD’S! YES, I am having a different journey where I’m learning about health and healing without relying on Rx drugs and all that comes with this, including corruption and spoil. Look at the health of the nation, the world! If you think this is health care then you have no clue what else is available unless you step out of that mindset. PRAY. ASK GOD TO TEACH YOU HIS TRUTH and then prayerfully move forward.

What amazes me most is the fact that people continue to sit in the church pews listening to teachings or holding a Bible that shares many stories of DEEPER THINGS and rebukes over-reliance upon humans and yet the entire church is living exactly like the world system. This too, happens in contrast to the scriptures in Romans 12: 1-2 that reads, “Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind. THAT YOU MAY KNOW the good and acceptable and perfect will of GOD.” How you live affects your discernment or your ability to HEAR GOD and therefore walk in truth.

If you’ve been ugly to someone who has an appreciation for crystals and rocks, part of GOD’s creation, especially while the church folks are eating, drinking, living, and medicating in accordance with this corrupted world, YOU NEED TO APOLOGIZE!

I no longer go to churches because of the way I was treated after GOD began teaching me that it wasn’t His will for me to eat junk food, be ignorant and compliant, and then run to a Rx writing doctor so I could return to my folly. Everything about that way in the churches is an afront to the spiritual life we are to live through our devotion to Christ and ignores a volume of scriptural teaching. Sadly, I thought my church family would want to know what I was learning and it wasn’t anything extreme like vegetarianism…it was just commen sense, “distinguishing between the holy and the profane” or what pleased GOD and was beneficial for us and what wasn’t. Nope. They not only didn’t want to know they treated me in a way that made me feel tolerated and unvalued…DIFFERENT, and now that knowledge is coming out confirming that I wasn’t in fact on the wrong path but the very right path that resulted in personal empowerment, knowledge, wisdom, and true GOD-reliance, it’s time for the church folks to consider new insights. I’ll put a link from this site that contains My Articles on this site.

I’ll shut up now and let you watch this video…

This entire category of My Articles has many insights to get you started including where to obtain a copy of the book GOD INSISTED I write for you or you can go to the Home page, start scrolling, and see where the journey takes you.

Here’s a link for Should Christians Use Crystals, Part 1: http://Here’s a link for Should Christians Use Crystals, Part 1:

Blessings on your search for TRUTH!

((Surrounded)) a movie about a man made ill by wireless tech!

Here’s a related post on this site with many helpful links to further explore this information:

“Go and sin no more or something worse may come upon you.” Jesus

Just watched a video where a woman had supposedly done some healings and people were coming up to report how they felt afterwards. There were reports by people who had chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, neck issues but NOBODY GOT UP OUT OF A WHEELCHAIR or had blind eyes opened!!! In other words every one of them could’ve easily been placebo. At this moment it was ONLY perception of change, not a true miracle. WHY DOES THIS BOTHER ME?

This was disheartening to watch because of how GOD responded when I was being a typical wife, mom, congregant, and citizen of the USA, Incorporated. I was eating, drinking, and living just like everyone else and when I became ill I did what most Christians do, went forward for prayer and began seeing doctors. After 11 doctors in 18 months I was worse, much worse, so I canceled all medical appts and began chasing GOD for answers. After six months I was getting worse but the same was true under the care of 11 doctors so I determined to WAIT for GOD. One day in what I deemed a “final” prayer HE SHOWED UP and told me “Everything’s going to be okay but YOU HAVE TO DO EXACTLY WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO. Do you understand?” I acknowledged and was given a BIG HUG that took my breath away and then an encouragement to get to my feet where I went into my kitchen and THE REAL HEALING BEGAN. He had me go through my pantry, my fridge, freezer, medicine chest, and closet and taught me what to eat, drink, wear, and how to basically eat, live and medicate in alignment with HIS WAYS.

It took time but I was able to reverse my Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disease and even got off of the Rx thyroid meds I’d been on since 1990. Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease never developed into a frozen neck as the doctors said would happen and 11 years of crippling sciatica is under control and fibro flares I now understand what causes them and don’t do that anymore LOL. I learned how to “possess my vessel in sanctifiction and honor” I Thess 4: 5.

GOD then INSISTED that I write a book sharing this journey. It took 21 years to publish because I had to PROVE OUT my theories about health and healing from a DIFFERENT Christian perspective than is the accepted norm. I also learned how to help others find their answers aka NOT NEED ME because I believe that’s important for THEM to be at a higher level of maturity and spiritual ability and independence from another human. If we could all HEAL wouldn’t that be amazing? Well we can, but based on the journey GOD took me on, I’d venture to guess that it won’t be a drive-through version where people “return to their folly”. What GOD taught me was that it makes little sense to heal people and return them to their same diet, lifestyle, relationships and environment…especially electrically speaking these days. So many cases of fibro and chronic fatigue, migraines (like I heard in those “testimonials”) are due to an accumulation of toxins like chemicals and heavy metals which when added to the onslaught of wireless technology is creating HUGE INFLUX OF DISEASE! Also, everyone carrying a cell phone around. I too have a gift in healing that came along my journey with some pretty amazing testimonials that I put here on this blog, but I rarely use the gift now because people NEED to learn to measure the readings in the electric outlets and learn how to filter and learn to hard wire their computers OR AT LEAST put a faraday bag over it and turn it off when not in use, keep their phones in faraday bags, help get the rollout of cell towers pushed back…. I could go on and on but after watching this video I just wonder how these women held out over time. If they went back to their home with a smart meter and Alexa and cell towers and their cell phones then I expect their symptoms to return and that’s when SATAN begins his real work!!!! JESUS TAUGHT when He healed and often said “Go and sin no more or something worse may come up on you”. He was showing that THEY needed to be invested in the answer to the question of WHY they got sick in the first place and not do that or else… Anyway, I didn’t do my journey in accordance with the typical understanding presented here but I came away empowered and equipped and therefore haven’t been to a medical doctor for illness since 1989 (injury only). It makes me sad that they were sent away with no more knowledge about how to care for their body than they were. VULNERABLE and if their symptoms come back then it can damage their faith in GOD and open the door to demonic tauntings of “You aren’t worthy to be healed…GOD DOESN’T LOVE YOU….” Can you see how this works? 🙁

After trying to “do healing” on people and realizing they weren’t interested in disciplining their flesh or learning anything about THEIR PART I stopped doing this work UNLESS GOD directs me to do so. I have used it on pets and children more readily. If you want to see what you can glean from the GIFT that is now in the form of a book, you can find it here and learn how to obtain a copy:

The Getting Well God’s Way book had been out about a year when the message took a radical turn. You can learn more about the revelations regarding our UNSAFE use of wireless technology at this link:

“…I fully appreciate your frustration with the churched ones…calling for repentance is a heavy message…”

You can learn more about this “called in” book and how to acquire a copy at the link below:

Previous Older Entries